Upcoming Projects

We are continuously working on new books.  We love writing and creating new and exciting stories. 


Please check this page for the latest upcoming releases.

Making your dreams come true

We want to work to make your dreams for your book idea come to life.

Upcoming Books

A Celebration of Summer in Rhyme

Mariana Books Rhyming

Series Book 12

Roger Carlson

This upcoming picture book will be a celebration of everything great about summer.  The fun rhymes will keep you longing for those summer rays.  Please grab this as soon as its finished. 

Senior Living with Dick and Jane

Roseann Woodka, PhD

Dick and Jane Senior Living is the final book of three. Together the books chronicle the life story of rescued puppies who become therapy dogs, loved by everyone.

The series begins with Precious Moments with Dick and Jane, followed by Double Trouble with Dick and Jane, and now Senior Living with Dick and Jane.  No longer puppies and “dogettes” (my term for adolescent dogs), they are now adult dogs who can still get into mischief.

As the book progresses, Dick and Jane’s health declines. They don’t hear as well, see as well, or have as much energy as they had in the first two books.

The final two sections are titled “Grandma” and “Saying Goodbye”.  As heart wrenching as it is, children need to know that tears and sadness are part of loving and laughing. Loving a pet or a person and laughing at memories never end.